postgres=# create table t1(a int primary key,b text,c date); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table t2(a int primary key,b int references t1(a),c text); CREATE TABLE postgres=# insert into t1 (a,b,c) values(1,'aa',now()); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into t1 (a,b,c) values(2,'bb',now()); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into t2 (a,b,c) values (1,1,'aa'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into t2 (a,b,c) values (2,2,'aa'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# \d t1 Table "public.t1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | not null | b | text | | | c | date | | | Indexes: "t1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a) Referenced by: TABLE "t2" CONSTRAINT "t2_b_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (b) REFERENCES t1(a) postgres=# \d t2 Table "public.t2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | | c | text | | | Indexes: "t2_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a) Foreign-key constraints: "t2_b_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (b) REFERENCES t1(a) postgres=#
postgres=# alter table t2 disable trigger all; ALTER TABLE postgres=#
postgres=# \d t2 Table "public.t2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | | c | text | | | Indexes: "t2_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a) Foreign-key constraints: "t2_b_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (b) REFERENCES t1(a) Disabled internal triggers: "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_75213" AFTER INSERT ON t2 FROM t1 NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "RI_FKey_check_ins"() "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_75214" AFTER UPDATE ON t2 FROM t1 NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "RI_FKey_check_upd"() postgres=#
postgres=# create user abce with login password 'abce'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# \c postgres abce You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "abce". postgres=> create table t3 ( a int primary key, b text, c date); CREATE TABLE postgres=> create table t4 ( a int primary key, b int references t3(a), c text); CREATE TABLE postgres=> alter table t4 disable trigger all; ERROR: permission denied: "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_75235" is a system trigger postgres=>
postgres=> alter table t4 disable trigger user;
DISABLE TRIGGER [ trigger_name | ALL | USER ]
postgres=# select * from t1; a | b | c ---+----+------------ 1 | aa | 2020-11-04 2 | bb | 2020-11-04 (2 rows) postgres=# select * from t2; a | b | c ---+---+---- 1 | 1 | aa 2 | 2 | aa (2 rows) postgres=# insert into t2 (a,b,c) values (3,3,'cc'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=#
postgres=# alter table t2 enable trigger all; ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d t2 Table "public.t2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | | c | text | | | Indexes: "t2_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a) Foreign-key constraints: "t2_b_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (b) REFERENCES t1(a) postgres=# alter table t2 validate constraint t2_b_fkey; ALTER TABLE postgres=#
postgres=# select * from pg_constraint where conname='t2_b_fkey' and conrelid='t2'::regclass; -[ RECORD 1 ]-+---------- conname | t2_b_fkey connamespace | 2200 contype | f condeferrable | f condeferred | f convalidated | t conrelid | 75202 contypid | 0 conindid | 75200 conparentid | 0 confrelid | 75194 confupdtype | a confdeltype | a confmatchtype | s conislocal | t coninhcount | 0 connoinherit | t conkey | {2} confkey | {1} conpfeqop | {96} conppeqop | {96} conffeqop | {96} conexclop | conbin | consrc | postgres=#
postgres=# alter table t2 disable trigger all; ALTER TABLE postgres=# select * from pg_constraint where conname='t2_b_fkey' and conrelid='t2'::regclass; -[ RECORD 1 ]-+---------- conname | t2_b_fkey connamespace | 2200 contype | f condeferrable | f condeferred | f convalidated | t conrelid | 75202 contypid | 0 conindid | 75200 conparentid | 0 confrelid | 75194 confupdtype | a confdeltype | a confmatchtype | s conislocal | t coninhcount | 0 connoinherit | t conkey | {2} confkey | {1} conpfeqop | {96} conppeqop | {96} conffeqop | {96} conexclop | conbin | consrc | postgres=#
postgres=# alter table t2 alter CONSTRAINT t2_b_fkey not valid; ERROR: ALTER CONSTRAINT statement constraints cannot be marked NOT VALID ## 需要先将外键删掉,然后重建外键约束并将其状态设置成无效 postgres=# alter table t2 drop constraint t2_b_fkey; ALTER TABLE postgres=# delete from t2 where a in (3); DELETE 1 postgres=# alter table t2 add constraint t2_b_fkey foreign key (b) references t1(a) not valid; ALTER TABLE postgres=# \d t2 Table "public.t2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | | c | text | | | Indexes: "t2_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a) Foreign-key constraints: "t2_b_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (b) REFERENCES t1(a) NOT VALID
postgres=# select * from pg_constraint where conname='t2_b_fkey' and conrelid='t2'::regclass; -[ RECORD 1 ]-+---------- conname | t2_b_fkey connamespace | 2200 contype | f condeferrable | f condeferred | f convalidated | f conrelid | 75202 contypid | 0 conindid | 75200 conparentid | 0 confrelid | 75194 confupdtype | a confdeltype | a confmatchtype | s conislocal | t coninhcount | 0 connoinherit | t conkey | {2} confkey | {1} conpfeqop | {96} conppeqop | {96} conffeqop | {96} conexclop | conbin | consrc | postgres=#
postgres=# insert into t2(a,b,c) values (3,3,'cc'); ERROR: insert or update on table "t2" violates foreign key constraint "t2_b_fkey" DETAIL: Key (b)=(3) is not present in table "t1". postgres=#
4.在系统负载低的时候开启约束验证(validate the constraints)
postgres=# alter table t2 alter constraint t2_b_fkey deferrable; ALTER TABLE postgres=# begin; BEGIN postgres=# set constraints all deferred; SET CONSTRAINTS postgres=# insert into t2 (a,b,c) values (3,3,'cc'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into t2 (a,b,c) values (4,4,'dd'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into t1 (a,b,c) values (3,'cc',now()); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into t1 (a,b,c) values (4,'dd',now()); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# commit; COMMIT
postgres=# alter table t2 disable trigger all; ALTER TABLE postgres=# insert into t2 (a,b,c) values (5,5,'ee'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# alter table t2 enable trigger all; ALTER TABLE postgres=#
postgres = # insert into t2 (a,b,c) values (6,6,'ff'); ERROR: insert or update on table "t2" violates foreign key constraint "t2_b_fkey" DETAIL: Key(b) = (6) is not present in table "t1". postgres = # select * from t2 where b = 5; a | b | c ---+---+---- 5 | 5 | ee (1 row) postgres = # select * from t1 where a = 5; a | b | c ---+---+--- (0 rows)
postgres=# delete from t2 where b = 5; DELETE 1 postgres=# delete from t2 where b = 5; DELETE 1 postgres=# alter table t2 disable trigger all; ALTER TABLE postgres=# insert into t2 values (5,5,'ee'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# alter table t2 enable trigger all; ALTER TABLE postgres=# update pg_constraint set convalidated = false where conname = 't2_b_fkey' and conrelid = 't2'::regclass; UPDATE 1 postgres=# alter table t2 validate constraint t2_b_fkey; ERROR: insert or update on table "t2" violates foreign key constraint "t2_b_fkey" DETAIL: Key (b)=(5) is not present in table "t1". postgres=#
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